Matthew 5:13-15 TLB
“You are the world’s seasoning, to make it tolerable. If you lose your flavor, what will happen to the world? And you yourselves will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
[14] You are the world’s light— a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see.
[15] Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father.

An influencer exerts influence, a person who inspires or guides the actions of others, one able to generate interest in something or someone by posting about it on social media. We now have so many influencers in varying shapes, organisations, product lines and sectors but not so much in the spiritual setting.
Believers have been called to be influencers wherever they find themselves, we carry Christ and the light of him must shine through us to influence our world.
The social influencer is telling us how-tos, where to, what to, and when to, their influence is far-reaching and impacting that some believers are even following them instead of the scriptures.
Some people have completely thrown away the culture, and lessons they were brought up with to follow the fads purported by influencers as the “now” thing. The scriptures strictly encourage us to follow the teaching of our parents in Proverbs 1:8-9 and not to be influenced by anyone that speaks contrary to what it should be, we are not to entangle ourselves with the ways of the sinner or wicked as stated in Proverbs 22:25.
Our generation follows the advice of influencers, social, financial, professional, and otherwise. There are influencers in every sector who have followers that will do anything and everything they purport in trying to look, be and sound like them, when what we as believers should be doing is letting the light and word of God in us influence the people we interact with. People should see us and see God and want to have what we have.
Even Satan has more influence than a lot of us believers, as we see in the number of people Jesus delivered from satanic influences in the scriptures such as the one influenced not to speak in Matthew 9:31-33, and many others.
As an influencer, we must be sure that we represent Christ and His kingdom properly. We can’t afford to do things that will turn people away from God, church, or salvation.
It is the good, positive, and upright things we do that influence a person and allows them to glorify the Lord, our Father in heaven, whom they cannot see but see through us.
The world is using subliminal messages to influence people into doing atrocious things to others, committing crimes, and creating false problems, yet the Lord says in 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 that we have received the word of God so that we can become examples or influencers to other people.
We are a nation that quotes social media influencers in everything we do, we look at what they’re doing, eating, wearing, and the way they act and live to determine what we do when the scripture should be our standard.
We must learn to love the Lord above all else and follow His teaching, leading and guidance than we love the word and all its content according to 1 John 2:15-17. History is speeding toward a conclusion planned by God and ungodly influences and influencers are making the pace even faster by influencing people away from the truth and salvation.
You are an influencer, God made and called you to be a fisher of men in Mark 1:17, which make us godly and spiritual influencers, so influence people for Christ.

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